Monday, November 29, 2010

Lioele Special

Drab eyelashes? Pump up those lashes with our volume & curling mascara!

For more information, please view our product post!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Lioele Weekly: 11/22/2010

It's time to get rid of those pesky blackheads!

Begin managing your skin for Autumn!
Step 1: Pore Opening Massage Gel
Step 2: Blackhead Clear Cleanser
Step 3: Pore Clean & Tightening Pack
Step 4: Pore Cleansing & Finish Serum
For better results, try some of our other pore cleansing products!

Check out our product post for more details!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Lioele Weekly: 11/15/2010

Each week, we will be promoting different products.

This week, say  bye bye to the everyday signs of stress
and hello to beautiful skin!

Bye bye stress -- Hello beauty management!

Get rid of stress and begin your skin regimen!

For teens, get rid of your acne with our A.C. line of products!

For more information, check out our product page!